Research and Publication are amongst the basic elements of every lawyer’s tool kit. To equip the students with the fundamentals of research, the Research and Publication Cell of Symbiosis Law School Nagpur is constituted. This is the sole body in-charge for bringing on campus the opportunities and people that are significant to the field of research. The fundamental responsibility of introducing the students to constructive researching, collating data and its representation by way of effective writing is that of the Research & Publication Cell. Research and Publication Cell aims to inculcate and nurture traits like probing and thinking, and skills like writing, organizing, data collecting, and interpretation amongst the students. It provides a platform to the students to showcase their skills in the form of articles, write-ups and other creative modes. One of the objectives of the Cell is to identify new trends in various academic domains and develop the capacity to converge it for legal enrichment.
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Name of Paper |
1 |
Role of interreligious and inter caste marriages in achievement of the constitutional goal of Unity and Integrity in India- with reference to Lata Singh v. UOI |
Strengthening the e-commerce in e-commerce mechanism-an Indian perspective |
Wisdom of Gita and interpretation of dharma in terms of rule of law as a backbone of Indian legal system. |
Conjugal Rights of Husband Vis-à-vis Marital Rape: A Study of Indian Laws |
Slander to goods in social media-relevant legal protection to businesses in digital era and related issues. |
Shaping The Smart Cities In India And Achieving The Goals Of Sustainable Development : An Assessment By Indian Judiciary |
Problematizing Issues Of Illegal Immigration : A Study Of Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance Of Loss |
Road side food vendors and food safety laws in India |
2 |
A study of Competition Jurisprudence in India with special reference to the Merger Control Exercise. |
The Myth of Genetically Modified Food as a solution to the problem of food security: A Pragmatic Analysis with Reference to Environmental and Human Health. |
3 |
Combating The Futility Of Motor Vehicles Amendment Act, 2019 (Co-authored) |
Variance in Religious Conviction: A True Challenge for Secular Courts of a Democratic Nation (Co-authored) |
4 |
Variance in Religious Conviction: A True Challenge for Secular Courts of a Democratic Nation |
Combating The Futility Of Motor Vehicles Amendment Act, 2019 |
5 |
The role of CRM in the organized retail sector of India |
E-Learning Revolutionizing the Education System |
The acceptance of E-Commerce over Traditional Business by the Customers in the Indian context, from the Retail Experts Perspective. |
6 |
Shaping The Smart Cities In India And Achieving The Goals Of Sustainable Development : An Assessment By Indian Judiciary |
Problematizing Issues Of Illegal Immigration : A Study Of Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance Of Loss |
E-Learning Revolutionizing the Education System |
The acceptance of E-Commerce over Traditional Business by the Customers in the Indian context, from the Retail Experts Perspective. |
7 |
Position of India in Curbing Child Pornography in Comparison with the other Jurisdiction of the world |
In the Margins of the Status: Evasion, Ambiguity and Illegibility as Practices of Government”. |
8 |
The Making of the Medical Consumer: Press and Medical Advertisement 1920-47”. |
In the Margins of the Status: Evasion, Ambiguity and Illegibility as Practices of Government”. |
Position of India in Curbing Child Pornography in Comparison with the other Jurisdiction of the world |
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