The Center's Intent
A student's world is filled with hopes, ambitions, enthusiasm, and excitement for learning new things and adapting to a new culture and background when he or she enters an institution. In the beginning of his journey, he may have a set of goals and objectives, but as he learns more about the area of knowledge, his perceptions begin to shift, and he may experience uncertainty and confusion, as well as disappointments. A law student's five-year journey is a voyage of study and self-discovery. This is the time when the student undergoes metamorphosis, and his preferences and inclinations toward his established goals frequently change or fluctuate. He or she may come to college with a certain interest, but exposure to a variety of classes and activities allows him to better understand and explore those interests, thus the basic train of thinking that was initially formed may shift. In the same way that a child's dreams change as he grows older, a law student's job prospects change dramatically over the course of five years. This Centre identifies students' prospective goals and provides the greatest available assistance in making students' learning journeys engaging and worthwhile.
Aim of the Centre
The student support centre’s main purpose is to promote a student's overall development and to assist him in exploring his area of interest. The legal profession offers a wealth of opportunities and a diverse range of sectors in which to carve out a niche. With this in mind, and in order to provide the best possible support to students, the centre’s fundamental work revolves around catering the finest available possibilities. This will be accomplished by focusing on the fundamentals, beginning with resume writing and drafting, and then organising various competitions, skill- building workshops, panel discussions, and inviting experts from various fields to share their expertise and knowledge, all of which will assist the student in better equipping his own choice. This centre helps student individual with his mental health, physical fitness, and emotional quotient, in addition to his academic goals. The centre will provide exposure to field experience as well as all potential support.
Work Specifications
Keeping a variety of options open, such as courtroom practice, corporate law, public service, judiciary, academician, journalist, banking services, JAG branch – Army, Law Journal's Editorial Committee, competitive/ judicial examination preparation, government lawyers and consultants, and so on, the center will continue to bring the best of each option to the students. This will assist them in prioritizing their field of interest, as well as the additional knowledge available to students in other fields. In the future, if one option is not found to be suitable for the student's interests and personality, he will not be forced to start over because the student support center provided him with enough exposure during his learning years to keep his other list of options open and provided enough guidance to move towards the next best opportunity.
Keeping the vision of International Understanding
To enhance employability and contribute to human resource development
List Of Student Members
Symbiosis Law School Mouza - Wathoda,
Nagpur - 440008
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